pacman, rainbows, and roller s



Only includes OST I and OST II, which has all of the background music and insert songs.


Size:308.1 mb
Released:August 6, 2013 & October 16, 2013
Audio:2 ch AAC-LC Stereo @ 320 kbps


Attack On Titan - Original Soundtrack I

01. ətˈæk 0N tάɪtn
02. The Reluctant Heroes
03. eye-water
04. 立body機motion
05. cóunter・attàck-mˈænkάɪnd
06. army⇒G♂
07. Vogel im Käfig
08. DOA
09. 凸】♀】♂】←巨人
10. E・M・A
11. 巨♀~9地区
12. Bauklötze
13. 2chi城
14. XL-TT
15. Call your name
16. omake-pfadlib

Attack On Titan - Original Soundtrack II

01. Shingeki st-hrn-egt20130629 Kyojin
02. Shingeki pf20130218 Kyojin
03. Shingeki gt20130218 Kyojin
04. Shingeki st-hrn-gt-pf20130629 Kyojin
05. Shingeki vc-pf20130218 Kyojin
06. Shingeki vn-pf20130524 Kyojin
07. Shingeki pf-adlib-b20130218 Kyojin
08. Shingeki st20130629 Kyojin
09. Shingeki pf-adlib-c20130218 Kyojin
10. Shingeki st-hrn-gt20130629 Kyojin
11. Shingeki pf-medley20130629 Kyojin


Enjoy the epic orchestral pieces, it'll make anything you're doing sound awesome. For real, iron your clothes while listening to this and you feel like you're ironing like a champ.
